TechCommNZ Future Focus Conference 2024

Join us at Rydges Wellington Airport Hotel in Wellington for our 2024 conference to be held from 16-19 October 2024.

This year's conference features both international and local speakers presenting a range of topics with an emphasis on future focus content.

For detailed information about the conference, presenters and programme visit our Conference 2024 website.

As it becomes available more information will be added to the conference website.

Register yourself now for one or both days of the conference and the workshop package, which includes two workshops .

Each person registering for the conference must log in to this website and complete their own registration form.

Note: Prices are GST inclusive.

Conference Member and
Affiliate Member
Non-member Student
Conference - both days
Earlybird: $846.40
Standard: $959.10
Earlybird: $1017.75
Standard: $1121.25
Earlybird: $586.50
Standard: $667.00
Conference - single day only
Earlybird: $437.00
Standard: $500.25
Earlybird: $615.25
Standard: $672.75
Earlybird: $350.75
Standard: $402.50
Conference workshop package
$161.00 $253.00 $97.75
Conference dinner $100.05 $100.05 $100.05

Log in before you register!

You must be logged into your account before you can register for any TechCommNZ event. If you have not logged in you will be prompted to do so.

Register now

If you do not already have an account, please sign up and create an account (at no cost) before you select one or more of the options above.

Note: A separate registration form must be completed for each person registering. Before registering, please refer to our payment terms and conditions for information about our refund policy.