May 2015

This month we have some very exciting news about our new nickname and logo. Our Vice-President, Claire Nicholson, tells you more. We also have our next "What's the evidence?" column from Earnsy Liu, who has looked at videos vs written instructions. Our featured Southern Communicator article includes a response from Judy Knighton on the subject of sentence length, there's an interview with TC Chris Shraders, and finally Let's Tech Communicate brings us some fascinating articles from around the Net!

We're changing our name: meet TechCommNZ

TCANZ is changing its name to TechCommNZ. Claire Nicholson explains why…


What's better?video or written help?

Should technical communicators provide video instead of written help? Earnsy Liu provides some background on videos, a review of the literature, and some guidelines.


There's more to say on sentence length

Southern Communicator'sOctober 2014 issue saw the battle lines drawn. In his article Does Length Matter?, Dr Geoffrey Marnell challenged received wisdom, presenting evidence that a sentence's length is less important than the number of ideas it contains. In February, Judy Knighton replied.


Featured TC: Chris Schraders, Sports Turf Institute

Recently Sam Fisher caught up with Chris Shraders, Training Development and Technology Specialist at the New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI). NZSTI specialises in research, training, and advice relating to designing and managing natural and artificial sports surfaces.


Let's Tech Communicate

Claire Nicholson shares the latest trends in technical communication from around the world.

In this issue we explore the science of persuasion, discover useful tools for creating graphics, take a look at the Zero Moment of Truth, and get some practical advice for making the most of LinkedIn. This and a whole lot more from around the Net!

